Corporate health promotion

We support our customers in optimizing the impact of their GSE actions through the design of a GSE vision and internal communication actions.

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What we offer

GSE Vision

This intervention will enable you to formulate and formalize the strategic GSE vision for your company. In other words, the contribution of ESM to corporate objectives and the action plan to achieve them.
This intervention takes the form of a participative Agile workshop that we run with a group of people from your company.

GSE promotion

We organize workshops with non-management employees, information and awareness-raising conferences on Psychosocial Risks or other themes linked to health in the workplace, and create content and internal communication media.

Friendly Work Space certification

You are planning to obtain the Friendly Work Space label from Health Promotion Switzerland. We support you from the preparatory phase through to the final assessment. To achieve this, we offer you our expertise in the field, validated by our certification as a Health Promotion Switzerland consultant.

Icone 3d calculatrice

Our services are invoiced on the basis of the time spent and our hourly rate.

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