Long-term loss of earnings due to illness

We offer a new loss of earnings health insurance solution with fair, sustainable costs and optimized administrative management, all part of a genuine corporate health management (CHM) concept.

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What we offer

Quality support for policyholders

Telephone answering service and correspondence
Administrative support and follow-up
Complete computerized tracking system

Claims management

Absence profiling
Identifying warning signals
Global monitoring of absence-related actions
Challenging insurance decisions
Advising HR on issues relating to the coordination of social security schemes
Assistance with the AI process

Flash assessments

Contact with policyholders and stakeholders
Assessment report and absence management recommendations

Humanized case management

Follow-up of long-term cases
Contact with policyholders and stakeholders
Support in returning to work or readapting to the workplace

Management training

Manager training (absence management)
Support for HR department in setting up management processes (feedback and review interviews)

Communication support

Consulting in communication and change management
Production of videos, visuals, mini-websites and support for internal and external community management

Beneficial management of loss of earnings due to illness

Services tailored to your real needs

Our concept includes case management, training and prevention services tailored to your specific situation.

Limit financial uncertainties

Our Tender concept gives you visibility and transparency over the costs associated with managing your absenteeism, while ensuring that your costs are covered by the insurance market.

Tools to optimize your administrative management

Our concept is based on an ecosystem of IT tools to optimize the management and administrative follow-up of absences.

Keep an eye on case follow-up in real time

Our Tender concept offers you dynamic dashboards for consulting and analyzing current absences.

Pay for what you really need

Our solution lets you choose the services that make the most sense for your organization in terms of absenteeism management support.

Rely on a team of committed professionals

Our team of insurance experts, together with our Corporate Health Management (CHM) team, offers you a full range of specialized Tender Services.

Finance or HR, there’s something for everyone

Our sustainable loss of earnings solution meets both qualitative human resources and financial objectives.

For finance

Implement a sickness loss of earnings insurance solution with the best cost/benefit ratio and limit your financial exposure.

For human resources

Benefit from an à la carte catalog of services tailored to your company’s needs, as part of a corporate health management (CHM) concept.

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