Risks & Insurance

As an insurance broker, we assess your risks and manage your insurance portfolio with the utmost transparency, so as to offer you the best value for your money.
Risk & Insurance Services
Our added value
Our corporate culture and values, coupled with our dynamism and experience, make us a team fundamentally committed to serving our customers.
Access to industry specialists
Our size enables us to offer experts by insurance sector.
Cost transparency
We share the profitability of our business with you in complete transparency.
Online data access
We work with the tools of our time, and we’re working on the tools of the future.
Offer communication tools
We can help you promote your services to your stakeholders.
Coordination between our various businesses
No need to repeat, our teams communicate with each other.
Dynamic management
We’re not the type to wait for things to happen on their own.
Answering your employees’ questions
Our help desk answers questions and supports your employees.
Risk and Insurance Services in figures
Some of our team members
Our Loycomates are the lifeblood and soul of our organization.
The little extras
We can provide you with documentation to help you understand our Services.