Environment - Loyco - Sustainability Development | publié par Loyco | 24.01.2022

The Loyco forest is growing: the fruit of collective action!

A little over a month ago, our clients received the traditional end-of-year greetings from our Loycomates. Driven by the desire to contribute to the environment, we have once again decided to allocate the budget initially dedicated to gifts for our clients to support reforestation projects carried out by Tree-Nation.

Tree-Nation a non-profit organisation, supports various reforestation projects throughout the world by allowing citizens and businesses to plant trees and take a step towards offsetting their CO2 emissions.

We are aware that the subject of carbon offsetting through reforestation is a complex subject that deserves development. This is why you can find out more about our intentions, our commitments and this offsetting practice ici.


A committed greetings card

The personalised greetings cards, sent by email, offered each recipient the possibility to vote and direct their donation to the reforestation project of their choice. Our list included 3 forestry projects:

[learn_more caption=”Revégétalisation de la forêt de Daintree, Australie”] Daintree Life is planting trees in cleared areas of the Daintree Rainforest, the oldest rainforest on earth. The goal of the Daintree Life Revegetation project is to plant 500,000 trees by 2030 to increase wildlife habitat and food resources by replacing weeded areas.

Find out more[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Durabilité et production rurale, Brésil”] The removal of forests leads to the loss of many ecosystem services, such as water supply. With the Sowing Water project, the IPÊ organisation wants to influence the producers of Cantareira to use the land sustainably and recompose the forest while involving the community through environmental education.

Find out more[/learn_more]

[learn_more caption=”Reforestation, Madagascar”] In response to the loss of mangroves and mountain forests in Madagascar, Eden Reforestation Projects launched the Eden project in 2007. Since its creation, the association has successfully planted over 550 million mangroves and dry hardwoods in the northwest of Madagascar.

Find out more[/learn_more]


The results: more than 30,000 trees collected

With more than 200 votes, we are happy to have been able to contribute CHF 10,000 to support these various projects with:

  • 210 trees planted in Australia;
  • 936 trees planted in Brazil;
  • 29,672 trees planted in Madagascar.

For each of the selected projects, the actions carried out on site can be followed from the Tree-Nation website. The teams active in the different countries regularly post explanations and images of their progress.


Discover our virtual forest

We are happy to announce that 30,818 trees have been added to the Loyco forest!Thanks to the Tree-Nation platform, all our actions are grouped in a virtual forest. From our Treely challenges to this end-of-year gift project, it provides an overview of all the trees planted since the creation of our account in two clicks! By visiting it, you will be able to discover the different species of plants planted and their impacts in environmental, social and economic terms.

We are proud to have been able to encourage these impact projects that are close to our hearts. We would like to send a big thank you to all of our clients for their participation and support!


[button link=”” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] Find out more about the project[/button]