Loyco receives the 2021 equality Award
Loyco is extremely honoured to have been chosen among the Geneva economic fabric, for the 2021 equality Award. The latest of the great economy Awards in Geneva was awarded by the CCIG, the State of Geneva and theOffice pour la Promotion des Industries et Technologies, during an Award ceremony on Tuesday September 21 in the Bâtiment des Forces Motrices.
As explained by the Chambre of commerce, industry and services of Geneva, this award aims to “highlight the necessity of reaching equality within a company, by rewarding a company that makes particular efforts in the field“. Today we are taking advantage of this beautiful opportunity to emphasise how we fight for equality between all stakeholders of the Loyco adventure.
A culture and governance model that encourages equality
By essence and since its creation, Loyco has a strong culture based on man and equality, with the objective that each and everyone should feel good at work, develop her/his competences, take responsibilities, and improve their work-life balance. Numbers show that this has a positive impact on gender equality, which this Award has recognized today.
If we were to take home two elements about our equality culture that we are proud of, they would be flexibility and generosity of the framework conditions offered to Loycomates. Encouragement to work part-time, freedom of work schedules and workplace, 100 % paid maternity leave, 4-week paternity leave, 6 weeks holiday per year, non-paid leave… So many elements that promote the balance of work and family-life, a challenge that unfortunately remains more complicated for women.
Our governance model, where responsibility and authority are shared, is a potent vector of equality. Removing hierarchical subordination and the classical pyramidal career pattern, leaves room for a lot of women to develop their competences, carry projects and take responsibilities. As an example, transversal roles with decision-making authority that have replaced executive leaders, such as Finance, Planification, Talent or Logistic roles, are today held mainly by women. Our model also enables Loycomates to become shareholders after a year and every year we have a higher proportion of women involved in the top governance of the company.
Today, equality is one of the main axes of our development strategy. It is one of the two objectives of the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations chosen by Loyco at the beginning of 2021 in the context of its commitment to Swiss Triple Impact (ODD n° 5). To progress in that direction, we have many ongoing projects such as co-writing a non-sexist conduct charter at work by Loyco women and men, or for example an offer for leadership or public speaking training.
Our next projects?
In the near future, we wish to reach parity on our Board of directors and finalise our new internal wage policy to supress old biases and compensate fairly based on competence and engagement.
Receiving the equality Award only strengthens our determination to continue the promotion of gender equality within our organisation as well as outside, whether among our clients, schools, universities, and all other stakeholders.
With that in mind, we sponsor the 2021 edition of theInnovation Challenge Campus 2030 of the UNIL and EPFL, a challenge that invites the student community to imagine tomorrow’s sustainable university. This second edition on equality, diversity, and inclusion will take place from October 11 to 15.
Find out more about the 2021 equality Award
- « Quatre prix décernés à des entreprises genevoises » Tribune de Genève.
- « Grands Prix 2021 : biopharma, medtech, management inclusif et cybersécurité à l’honneur », CCIG press release.
- « Genève : Loyco remporte le prix de l’égalité de la CCIG » Bilan.
- « L’égalité récompensée par l’économie genevoise » Léman Bleu.
- « Le Prix 2021 de l’économie genevoise attribué à OM Pharma » Radio Lac.
We also wish to congratulate the company Plair, winner of the innovation Award, the NGO CyberPeace Institute recipient of the Jury special Award, as well as OM Pharma winner of the Geneva economy Award.
Crédits photos: ©Lundi13 – Nicolas Righetti