Mental health first aid: the game changer reflex
Mental health issues are very common.. They are, however, poorly understood, particularly in the professional world , where firstsymptoms are too often unacknowledged.. Yet tools exist, to act as soon as possible.
One in every two people in Europe experiences a situation of medium to severe mental distress in their lifetime. In Switzerland, only one third of them receives professional support. This data shows there is a substantial potential for improvement.
The most common diseases are anxiety disorder, such as panic attacks, depression, sometimes with suicidal thoughts, or stress, whose most acute form is burnout. In those situations, the support from a person who knows what to do and say, is precious.
Crisis support
To diagnose and treat illness is up to the medical specialists of course, but first aid intervention can provide emergency assistance and guidance towards the specialists, if needed.
Umanize’s tools
Umanize acts on those two axes with the following services:
Individual crisis support: mental health first aid or through the hotline “resource person”;
- Transfer of good practices to HR and managers.
For further information or advice:eric.druliolle@umanize.ch