Insurances | publié par Loyco | 28.09.2021

Pricing to prioritise quality of care

A new pricing and classification system for care is being examined by Unispital in Basel, Hôpital de La Tour in Meyrin, and Groupe Mutuel. The system is based on the patient’s feelings about the quality of care provided, leading to a classification and rating of a given general hospital.


Just like reviewing a hotel during a stay abroad or an AirBnB on holiday, we may be on the way to reviewing the quality of the care we receive. This approach is primarily intended to improve services and reduce health costs from expenditure that contributes little or nothing towards real health outcomes for all.

Hospitals will then be able to obtain pricing adapted to the real value of care and hospitality services provided, rather than favouring pricing based on the quantity of admissions and consultations carried out.

This concept, also called “value-based healthcare”, focuses on monitoring patients’ experience during their care journey with the aim of improving the medical procedures performed, but also reducing health costs.


Announced on Monday 13 September by Unispital in Basel, Hôpital de La Tour and Groupe Mutuel, the project will be based on the principle of value-based healthcare. The project implementation will begin with a data collection phase to measure clinical criteria, as well as various factors that are important to patients, as explained by Rodolphe Eurin, director of the Hôpital de la Tour, in an article in Le Temps.


More information on this topic

Paying for healthcare based on quality rather than quantity” in French, by Le Temps
Who pays the health bill in Switzerland?” in French, by Le Temps
Global Coalition for Value in Healthcare“, by the World Economic Forum
VBHC best practices“, en anglais, by Rodolphe Eurin.

Editor's note: This article was written in French and automatically translated into English and German.