GSE | publié par Loyco | 02.12.2022

The taboo of mental health in companies

About a hundred people gathered in Lausanne, and the same number online, on Thursday, November 10, for an event on the subject of the Great Resignation in Switzerland. During this HR event organized by Loyco, our co-founder Eric Druliolle spoke during the round table about the taboo that mental health still represents in the corporate world today

Is the Great Resignation, a trend observed in France and the United States, a reality in Switzerland? This was the theme of a round table discussion that welcomed several Human Resources managers. The discussion revolved around the new expectations of employees and their quest for meaning, which are part of the backdrop of multi-faceted resignations: disengagement, exhaustion leading to burnout, and deep questioning of the ethical commitments of their employer. In this context, the taboo of mental health and the different ways to fight it were addressed by Umanize, represented by our co-founder Eric Druliolle.

Watch the replay

If the subject speaks to you, you can watch the replay of the event here:

The panel of speakers

To learn more

If you would like to find out more about this subject, a written summary of the HR retreat that helped prepare this event is also available on Loyco’s website.

Editor's note: This article was written in French and automatically translated into English and German.