Welcome to Filipa De Sa
We are pleased to welcome a new member in the Umanize team Welcome to Filipa De Sa, consultant-professional reintegration specialist. She participated in a brief interview to share her career and motivations with you.
Can you tell us about the key milestones of your professional path?
After over 13 years in the banking industry, I switch to Human Resources and professional integration in 2013. Why? It basically answers my search for meaning. I need to work in accordance with my values and align who I am with what I do. This guided my professional path, through the « crazy » experiences and the « wise » ones and through my different trainings: HR, individual and team coaching, NLP, etc.
Why join Umanize?
I notice that more and more employees are in search for meaning and a sense of achievement! Placing people at the centre of all professional activity, becomes essential to guarantee the companies’ well-being and functioning. It is important that employees feel supported and listened to; I call this the « 360° well-being » we take care of the companies, but also of their precious gold nuggets! I joined Umanize because I share their values and vision.
What drives you in your work?
Human relations, challenges, finding solutions, etc. A few years ago, I coached a woman who had devoted her life to her family, had never worked, with no education, scarcely speaking French. Today she is a medical secretary. This is what I love in my job; sense possibilities where there is only the impossible!
What is your favourite quote?
I like this quote from Robin S. Sharma, that goes « Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous at the end ».