Property and asset insurance

As an insurance broker, we can provide you with a property, technical and liability insurance management solution tailored to your needs, to protect your assets and guarantee the continuity of your business.

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Audit and map your risks

Our teams can help you analyze and map risks using an innovative tool for managing insurable risks.

Optimize your costs with an insurance program

Whenever possible, we bundle your insurances to optimize and streamline your portfolio.

Rely on specialists in the event of a claim

Our property and casualty insurance experts will accompany you to the scene of the loss and help you with the administrative procedures to manage your claim as effectively as possible.

Benefit from decision-making tools

We support you in using a tool to determine a risk transfer strategy and track decisions.

What we do in concrete terms

Whatever the nature of your movable and immovable assets, and whatever your business, we can help you analyze and set up your specific insurance coverage.

  • Identification and analysis of your risks and needs
  • Search for suitable hedges based on our Risk Equalizer analysis
  • Manage a call for Tenders from the market’s leading insurers and find cover to meet your specific needs
  • Presentation of results and comparisons and support in implementing solutions
  • Management of administrative tasks and regular monitoring of business development
  • We manage the follow-up of claims and intervene in the management process in coordination with insurers.

Make sure you have the right internal controls in place.

ISAE3402 - TYPE 1

We have successfully completed an audit of the elements required to certify the existence of an internal control system for the management of an insurance portfolio.

Icone 3d calculatrice

Pricing for insurance management is based on the annual volume of management hours. In the vast majority of cases, management costs are fully covered by the insurance brokerage fees we receive.

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High-performance IT solutions

We offer online tools that enable you to view your insurance coverage, track your claims, monitor premium trends and schedule payments.


View your insurance portfolio online

Our tool enables you to consult the list of your insurance contracts, their due dates and premium details at a glance.

Keep track of your claims

Our tool gives you secure access to the claims history of your insurance contracts.

Digitalize your insurance documents

Our tool allows you to store, consult and download your insurance documents and contracts online at any time.

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